Patch version LCRUD 2.0
Bellow is list minor issue on version 2.0 .
If you want to fix it , follow this intruction :
1. Set default group for new user registrant ( March , 29 2014 )
file location :
change line 37:
2. JS issue on Chrome ( March , 30 2014 )
File location :
replace with new js file
2. Menu issue ( April, 01 2014 )
File location :
replace with new file
File location :
replace with new file
ALL patch will be integrated on next release updates
Thank you !
If you want to fix it , follow this intruction :
1. Set default group for new user registrant ( March , 29 2014 )
file location :
change line 37:
$authen->active = '0'; /* set new users as group 3 */ $authen->group_id = '3'; /* end add code */ $authen->save();
2. JS issue on Chrome ( March , 30 2014 )
File location :
replace with new js file
2. Menu issue ( April, 01 2014 )
File location :
replace with new file
File location :
replace with new file
ALL patch will be integrated on next release updates
Thank you !
6:15 AM
Patch Issue
Master Detail ( Laravel CRUD V2 )
In laravel CRUD and CMS v2 , master detail is feature for filtering rows detail by spesific field , ID from master table.
Example you have rows master detail :
The picture showing you where invoce table related to invoiceline table with 'InvoiceId' key relation.
We used call it "One to Many " relation, where every row on table invoice will have one or more rows detail in invoiceline table .
Ok let's turn the logic into real application .
Step 1
- Create 2 modules , Invoice and Invoiceline ( please see previous tutorial creating module )
Step 2 .
Create new menu for Invoice module
Step 3
Edit module Invoice and go to master detail tab :
Fill in form field as illustrated image above . then save master detail
Now go to Invoice module , you will see new menu at dropdown button at every rows.
Test it by clicking link 'View orders detail' .
it will bring you to invoiceline module , with header information about master row details.
It's Easy right ? so why you dont try it by your self .
View Demo Page
Good Luck !!
Example you have rows master detail :
The picture showing you where invoce table related to invoiceline table with 'InvoiceId' key relation.
We used call it "One to Many " relation, where every row on table invoice will have one or more rows detail in invoiceline table .
Ok let's turn the logic into real application .
Step 1
- Create 2 modules , Invoice and Invoiceline ( please see previous tutorial creating module )
Step 2 .
Create new menu for Invoice module
Step 3
Edit module Invoice and go to master detail tab :
Fill in form field as illustrated image above . then save master detail
Now go to Invoice module , you will see new menu at dropdown button at every rows.
Test it by clicking link 'View orders detail' .
it will bring you to invoiceline module , with header information about master row details.
It's Easy right ? so why you dont try it by your self .
View Demo Page
Good Luck !!
7:21 PM
Tutorial Laravel
Formating rows on grid table
Now let's continue our tutorial , in this section we will guide you to format rows grid at module generated by LCRUD v2.
After created module , app creating folowing files :
Now open index.blade.php with your favorite php editor
at line 89 - 100 , you should find code html as shown bellow :
oke , lets understanding what's code does
you have table with following items :
Id (int) , name ( varchar ) , email ( varchar ) , status ( enum '1','0' )
now let format emails as link mailto and status ( if 1 show Active and 0 inactive )
After created module , app creating folowing files :
- protected
- app
- controllers
- YourmoduleController.php
- models
- Yourmodule.php
- views
- yourmodule
- index.blade.php
- form.blade.php
- view.blade.php
- yourmodule
- controllers
- app
Now open index.blade.php with your favorite php editor
at line 89 - 100 , you should find code html as shown bellow :
@foreach ($tableGrid as $field) @if($field['view'] =='1') <td> @if($field['attribute']['image']['active'] =='1') <img src="{{ asset($field['attribute']['image']['path'].'/'.$row->$field['field'])}}" width="50" /> @else {{ $row->$field['field'] }} @endif </td> @endif @endforeach
you have table with following items :
Id (int) , name ( varchar ) , email ( varchar ) , status ( enum '1','0' )
now let format emails as link mailto and status ( if 1 show Active and 0 inactive )
@foreach ($tableGrid as $field) @if($field['view'] =='1') <td> @if($field['attribute']['image']['active'] =='1') <img src="{{ asset($field['attribute']['image']['path'].'/'.$row->$field['field'])}}" width="50" /> @elseif($field['field'] == 'email') <!-- formating email as link --> <a href="mailto:{{ $row->email }}"> {{ $row->email }} </a> @elseif($field['field'] == 'status') <!-- Formating status , set active or inactive --> {{ ($row->status == 1 ? 'Active' : 'Inactive') }} @else {{ $row->$field['field'] }} @endif </td> @endif @endforeach
6:27 AM
Tutorial Laravel
Working with MySQL Statement
This is heart of your module , from this query module are built up .
remember if you want to display/show any field from table database , you
need to include field on your query
Query are splited to 3 part , SQL select , SQL Where , SQL Group
Ilustration you have table customers with following field :
EmployeeId, FirstName , LastName , Title, ReportsTo, BirthDate ,HireDate, Address ,City , State , Country , PostalCode , Phone , Fax , Email.
At the firs time creating module using 'employee' table , generator will create single query line :
SQL Select :
Why LCRUD Creating automatic " WHERE employee.EmployeeId IS NOT NULL " ? this is for prevent when users submit search form
The result will look like :
We plan to change "ReportsTo" to employee name .
Query are splited to 3 part , SQL select , SQL Where , SQL Group
Ilustration you have table customers with following field :
CREATE TABLE `customer` ( `CustomerId` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `FirstName` varchar(40) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL, `LastName` varchar(20) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL, `Company` varchar(80) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL, `Address` varchar(70) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL, `City` varchar(40) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL, `State` varchar(40) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL, `Country` varchar(40) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL, `PostalCode` varchar(10) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL, `Phone` varchar(24) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL, `Fax` varchar(24) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL, `Email` varchar(60) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL, `SupportRepId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`CustomerId`), KEY `IFK_CustomerSupportRepId` (`SupportRepId`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=60 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1
EmployeeId, FirstName , LastName , Title, ReportsTo, BirthDate ,HireDate, Address ,City , State , Country , PostalCode , Phone , Fax , Email.
At the firs time creating module using 'employee' table , generator will create single query line :
SQL Select :
SELECT employee,* FROM employeeSQL Where :
WHERE employee.EmployeeId IS NOT NULLSQL Group :
Why LCRUD Creating automatic " WHERE employee.EmployeeId IS NOT NULL " ? this is for prevent when users submit search form
The result will look like :
Join Query
Now lets trying making simple join query , as you can see "ReportsTo" field is displaying number reference to EmployeeIdWe plan to change "ReportsTo" to employee name .
SELECT employee.*, b.FirstName AS ReportName FROM employee LEFT JOIN employee AS b ON employee.EmployeeId = b.ReportsToSave this new query statment . next go to table tab hide ReportsTo field and display ReportName
10:34 AM
Tutorial Laravel
Contact Form in Laravel ( LCRUD V2 )
In this tutorial , we will trying to make contact form using default page CMS from LCRUD v2.
and send message to email
Copy following line code to your editor
open your file protected/app/routes.php
copy this code :
That's it guys , hopely this will help you .
Step 1 : Create new page
Next Go to : Tools -> PageCMS -> Create NewCopy following line code to your editor
<div class="page-content"> <div class="page-header"> <div class="page-title"> <h3> Contact Us <small> Send any message to us </small></h3> </div> </div> <div class="breadcrumb-line"> <ul class="breadcrumb"> <li><a href="{{ URL::to('') }}">Home</a></li> <li><a href="{{ URL::to('?p=contactus') }}"> Contact Us </a></li> <li class="active"> Add </li> </ul> </div> {{ Form::open(array('url'=>'/saveContactForm', 'class'=>'form-vertical','parsley-validate'=>'','novalidate'=>' ')) }} <div class="col-sm-6 well"> @if(Session::has('message')) {{ Session::get('message') }} @endif <ul class="parsley-error-list"> @foreach($errors->all() as $error) <li>{{ $error }}</li> @endforeach </ul> <div class="form-group "> <label for="ipt"> Your Name</label> {{ Form::text('name', null,array('class'=>'form-control', 'placeholder'=>'', 'required'=>'Your Name' )) }} </div> <div class="form-group "> <label for="ipt"> Your Email</label> {{ Form::text('sender', null,array('class'=>'form-control', 'placeholder'=>'', 'required'=>'email' )) }} </div> <div class="form-group "> <label for="ipt"> Subject </label> {{ Form::text('subject', null,array('class'=>'form-control', 'placeholder'=>'Subject', 'required'=>'true' )) }} </div> <div class="form-group "> <label for="ipt"> Message </label> {{ Form::textarea('message',null,array('class'=>'form-control', 'placeholder'=>'Type your message here', 'required'=>'true' )) }} </div> <div class="form-group "> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary "> Send Form </button> </div> </div> {{ Form::close() }} </div>
Step 2 : Add Line code to routes
Next we need to create new routers to send data post from contact formopen your file protected/app/routes.php
copy this code :
Route::post('/saveContactForm',function() { $this->beforeFilter('csrf', array('on'=>'post')); $rules = array( 'name' =>'required', 'subject' =>'required', 'message' =>'required|min:20', 'sender' =>'required|email' ); $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules); if ($validator->passes()) { $data = array('name'=>Input::get('name'),'sender'=>Input::get('sender'),'subject'=>Input::get('subject'),'notes'=>Input::get('message')); Mail::send('', $data, function($message) { $message->to(CNF_EMAIL, CNF_APPNAME); $message->from(Input::get('sender'), Input::get('name')); $message->subject(Input::get('subject')); }); return Redirect::to('?p=contactus')->with('message', SiteHelpers::alert('success','Thank You , Your message has been sent !')); } else { return Redirect::to('?p=contactus')->with('message', SiteHelpers::alert('error','The following errors occurred')) ->withErrors($validator)->withInput(); } });
Step 3 : Create mail template
Crete new file /protected/app/views/emails/contact.blade.php
Copy follwing code into new file
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en-US"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> </head> <body> <h2>Hello Admin , </h2> <p> You have new contact mail from </p> <p> Email : {{ $sender }} <br /> Name : {{ $name }}<br /> Password : {{ $subject }}<br /> </p> <p> Message : </p> <div> {{ $notes }} </div> <p> Thank You </p><br /><br /> {{ CNF_APPNAME }} </body> </html>
Step 4 : Creating Menu
Now , you need create menu , so users will easy to accesss page contact .
Go To : Tools -> Menu
create new top menu named 'Contact Us ' and linked module to pages Contact That's it guys , hopely this will help you .
3:28 AM
LCRUD tips & Trick
Create Pages Using LCRUD v.2
Page CMS is new features in Laravel CRUD & Administrator version 2.0.
This feature allow you to create page for frontend ( Public ) or Private.
Before you begin creating pages , you have to know that LCRUD create file everytime you create pages , its mean you have full control to insert everything in content such tag php , css , javasript etc .
Lets start :
Go to Tools > page CMS > click button create
This feature allow you to create page for frontend ( Public ) or Private.
Before you begin creating pages , you have to know that LCRUD create file everytime you create pages , its mean you have full control to insert everything in content such tag php , css , javasript etc .
Lets start :
Go to Tools > page CMS > click button create
11:33 PM
Tutorial Laravel
Create Simple CRUD ( Laravel 4.1 ) using LCRUD
Before you create module , you have to create table for module you will created . this app doest have feature to create table database , so you need phpmyadmin or other mysql tools for creating table
11:32 PM
Tutorial Laravel
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